“The exhibition includes several works acquired by Nationalmuseum over the past few years, alongside key works on loan from other museums, chiefly in Germany, Norway and France. It also includes some contemporary art to illustrate how Romanticism lives on to this day. The featured 19th-century artists include Peder Balke, Ernst Ferdinand Oehme, Caspar David Friedrich, Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Eugène Delacroix, Johan Christian Dahl and Marcus Larson. Among the contemporary artists represented are Mariele Neudecker, Leif Engström, Helene Schmitz, Ann Frössén, Lars Nilsson, Thomas Demand, Lovisa Ringborg and Paul Fägerskiöld.”
26 SEPTEMBER 2024–5 JANUARY 2025
Nationalmuseum Södra Blasieholmshamnen 2 Stockholm
I Zetterstrands målning ”The Game”, har en mängd olika bildformer sammanfogats i ett komplext sceneri, från realism och romantiska landskap till en genomskärningsbild av en vulkan, platta teckningar och 3D-animering. Detta motsägelsefulla rum är målat med stor trovärdighet, vilket bäddar för betraktarens förvirring och känsla av svindel. Målningen blir en labyrint, svår att ta sig ut ur.
Helgen 12-13 mars visar vi resultatet av konstnärsexperimentet Painting failures, som samlat över sextio målare. Utställning och seminarier under två dagar.
Painting Failures är ett initiativ taget av konstnärer för konstnärer som samlat fler än sextio målare. Tanken har varit att arbeta vidare med varandras omöjliga och för konstnären inte längre intressanta målningar. Meningen med utbytet är att föra en dialog i färg och skapa en diskussion om måleri mellan konstnärer på deras egna villkor. De lämnade, oavslutade eller misslyckade målningarna har fördelats slumpmässigt genom lottning och sedan bearbetats vidare av en mottagare som fått helt fria händer.
Under helgen på Moderna bjuder konstnärerna in allmänheten att ta del av detta experiment med en utställning och seminarier kring projektet, måleri och den konstnärliga processen.
Vernissage fredag 11 mars kl. 18-20!
18.30 hälsar museichef John Peter Nilsson välkommen och konstnärerna introducerar utställningen.
Öppna seminarier: lördag 12 mars 13-15 och söndag 13 mars 13-15
Varmt välkommen!
Deltagande konstnärer:
Maria Nordin, Carl Hammoud, Jesper Nyrén, Johanna Fjaestad, Kristoffer Zetterstrand, Lina Bjerneld, Felix Vasquez-Aguilera, Torbjörn Johansson, Martina Muntzing, Sigrid Sandström, Susanne Vollmer, Therese Jonsson Szatek, Sofie Lardner Häggström, Lukas Götman, Magnus Alexandersson, Nanna de Wilde, Jan Rydén, Stina Rosenberg, Lucas Rahn, Joakim Lager, Filippa Arrias, Olle Schmidt, Danilo Stankovic, Hertha Hansson, Eva Larsson, Jim Thorell, Sofie Arfwidson, Viktor Rosdahl, Ditte Ejlerskov, Marianne Andersson, Nina Roos, Andreas Glad, Ella Tillema, Fredrik Norén, Gabriella Ioannides, Andreas Emenius, Nichlas Winmalm, Lisa D Manner, Ellisif Hals, Johan Furåker, Magdalena Svensson, Jakob Simonson, Andreas Poppelier, Emm Berring, Nug, Lena Johansson, Elizabet Thun, Tomas Lundgren, Fredrik Åkum, Lotta Döbling, Sara Forsström, Elin Elfström, Martin Formgren, Jonas Pike, Pär Strömberg, Sofie Josefsson, Gittan Jönsson, Marcus Anteskog, Pauliina Pietilä, Paul Fägerskiöld, Kristina Jansson, Monika Marklinger, Anna Bjerger, James Aldridge, Pierre Sandgren, Yngve Rådberg och Kristina Matousch.
November 5th
With: Trasi Henen, Kristoffer Zetterstrand, Susann Brännström, Ulrika Segerberg, Roland Persson, Jonte Nynäs, Jan Peter Hammer, Katja Aglert, Veronica Brovall, Donya Saed, Pia Mauno, Lasse Mauno, Emil Holmer, Tim Lehmacher, Sonja Gerdes, Daniel Leander-Kannenberg, Madeleine Boschan, Anneke Eussen, Stephan Balleux, Christian Schwarzwald, Klara Lidén, Oskar Aglert, Joep van Liefland, Daniel Segerberg, Johannes Weiss, Sophie Arfwidson, Munan Ovrelid, Randi Nygård, Anders Kjellesvik, Ninia Sverdrup
Göteborgs konstmuseum har en framstående samling av nordisk konst från 1800- och 1900-talet. Många av verken, som P.S. Krøyers Hip Hip Hurra och Picassos Akrobatfamilj, är välkända både i Sverige och internationellt.
I museets uppdrag ingår även att arbeta med samtidskonst och årligen utökas samlingen med ett antal verk. Under sommaren 2010 finns chansen att bekanta sig med ett urval av nyförvärv till museets samling. Verken är inköpta eller donerade under de senaste åren och presentationen rymmer verk av nu levande konstnärer.
Group show -3 july – 8 august Gerlesborgsskolans Konsthall & galleri [map]
Opening 3 july, 14.00 – Open daily 12-18
Partiticipating: Lars Arrhenius, Lena Cronqvist, Anders Widoff, Peter Ojstersek, Arne Isacsson, Karin Granqvist, Karin Wikström, Yngve Rådberg, Martina Müntzing, Kristina Jansson and Kristoffer Zetterstrand.
Självporträttet – en konstnärs dialog med sin egen spegelbild – är speciellt fascinerande. Genren har ett alldeles eget spår genom konsthistorien och säger ofta något om den tid de är gjorda i. Sommarens utställning fokuserar på det samtida självporträttet med alla dess motstättningar och frågeställningar. Hur ser konstnären idag på självporträttet? Vilken känsla ska förmedlas? Vad känns tillgjort och vad är äkta? Ett flertal inbjudna konstnärer ger genom utställningen sina skilda svar.
19 paintings re-crafted and made for the excellent game Minecraft by Notch.
Make them in the game from wood and wool.
Available in the latest update of the game.
Participating at Market 2010 with ALP / Peter Bergman
February 19-24 Exhibition website The Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts (Konstakademien)
Fredsgatan 12
18 konstnärer, Galleri Mårtenson & Persson Påarpsvägen 444, Båstad 7 July-19 July Jan Edlund – Carl Fredrik Ekström – Kerro Holmberg – Stefan Johansson – Lone Larsen – Niclas Malmström – Daniel Millton – Frida Oliv – Jet-te Ranning – Mari Rantanen – Alexandra Skarp – Michael Schleu – Katarina Sundkvist Zohari – Anna Svensson – Il Wiberg – Kristoffer Zetterstrand – Pernilla Zetterman – Sofia Änghede.
Opening June 17th 17:00-21:00
Exhibition period: June 17th – September 19th 2009
Tensta Konsthall
Cut my legs off and call me shorty! is an exhibition that explores elements of humour and surprise. The thirteen Swedish based artists included work with ideas and ways of making that force us to look and look again. We may think we have understood an image but when we allow ourselves a closer examination there are unexpected twists, shocking details, hidden pratfalls, double and triple meanings. There are 5 artists showing in the main hall who work with photography, painting and illustration: Susanna Hesselberg, Ulf Lundin, Emma Rendel, Ulla West & Kristoffer Zetterstrand. The second part of the exhibition is a selection of Swedish video art curated by Gunnel Pettersson in association with Film Form and includes works from 1962 – 2009 and includes: Henrik Andersson, Reuben Henry, Tove Kjellmark, Karin Kihlberg, Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd, Malin Skjöld, Per Teljer, Christine Ödlund. We have taken the following quote by American writer E.B. White as good advice for the show. “Analyzing humour is like dissecting a frog. Few people are interested and the frog dies of it”.
A translated extract from PO Hagströms’ text: Rescene: Kristoffer Zetterstrand at Haninge konsthall
Kristoffer Zetterstrand was born in 1973, and graduated from the Royal University College of Fine Art in 2001. Since then, he has become well known for his visual art, where motifs from various epochs blend together, and where the investigative and the narrative are central parts.
Looking at Zetterstrands’ art, we often find ourselves in the middle of a story, as if we have stepped into the darkness of a cinema theater in the middle of the film. The brain starts to work, how does the different parts relate to each other? What does the deployed objects mean, and what relations are there between the main characters? We recognice the different parts: ruins, mountains, figures from renaissance and computer games, Plato’s cave and the enlighting or consuming fire – but there is also something askew in the images. We discover that the stories we have read into Zetterstrand’s motifs are like the enthusiastic but inadequate efforts of a conspiracy theorist, trying to make things make sense. It’s all connected, but something is not right. And it is that gap that keep us engaged.
The exhibition Rescene
The title of the exhibition is a play with words. It originates from reusal, or re-seeing, or perhaps a scene being brought back into use. And accordingly, the exhibition is also a recap of the paintings of the last few years, where Zetterstrand’s method of constructing different environments, like a scenoghrapher, is a recurring theme. To do this, he uses the computer as his scetching tool.
By three-dimensionally building the scenery, he can turn the image around and see it from all directions. He can also move around, remove and place different pictorial elements and then light the motif in different ways to see how the shadows move. After this, the painting can begin. Zetterstrand describes the painting as the part of the work process where he, with his own words, can allow himself to improvise upon the themes he worked out in the computer. This, therefore, is the most important part of the work, where the ideas are physically tested, as the brush meets the canvas.
Friday 13 February 15-22
Saturday 14 February 12-16
Maria skolgata 83, Stockholm
Participants: Igor Antic, Eva Arnqvist, Maja Bajevic, Linnea Carlsson, Anna Kindgren & Carina Gunnars, Alevtina Kakhidze, Erik Olofsen, Daniel Peltz, Pratchaya Phinthong, Azat Sargsyan, Karin Seufert, Patrik Söderstam, Pelin Tan, Alexander Vaindorf, Steina Vasulka, Tris Vonna-Michell, Kristoffer Zetterstrand
Welcome to the Open House at Iaspis. This is one of Stockholm’s recurring open meeting-places for contemporary artists and their audience – a unique opportunity to gain an insight into a number of exciting Swedish and international artists’ work. During Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th of February, we will present 17 Iaspis grant recipients. The artists will present their projects in the open studios and in a programme of lectures and video screenings.
The Open House will include: a lecture by Patrik Söderstam covering a fictitious fashion company and his time as an Iaspis grant recipient in Tokyo in 2008; a comment on the Swedish IKEA culture by Igor Antic; a lecture on consumption and desire by artist Alevtina Kakhidze; the sound installation Detroit Dream by Tris Vonna-Michell; an exhibition of Kristoffer Zetterstrand’s paintings which he has created by a computer animation process; a screening of experimental video works by the electronica artist Steina Vasulka, and much more.
Konstakademien, Fredsgatan 12, 22-25 februari 2007.
Galleriet visar nya verk av följande konstnärer:
Anna Bjerger
Peter Ern
Daniel Jensen
Oskar Korsár
Katarina Lönnby
Tova Mozard
Fruls Tilpo
Kristoffer Zetterstrand